10 Things You Didn’t Know about Salesforce

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10 Things You Didn’t Know about Salesforce

 Nov 12, 2021

Whether you’re new to the world of business or just new to Salesforce, you probably still have some questions about how this software can help your organization run smoother and more efficiently than ever before. 

Salesforce is a well-known Content Relationship Management (CRM) system in the world of business software, but there are still plenty of companies out there that aren’t using it. But with so many Salesforce benefits and advantages out there, where do you even begin? This Salesforce blog will walk you through ten things you didn’t know about Salesforce that can help you better understand what this service can offer your business and why it’s the best CRM on the market. We hope these tips will inspire you to sign up today!

1) Scales Well

Scalability is a crucial aspect of any technology or business decision and choosing a scalable tool or system can have far-reaching consequences. Unfortunately, scalability is often hard to measure when it comes to cloud computing options, which is why you should do your research before you sign on to any long-term contracts. 

By doing so, you’ll be able to identify scaling capabilities in advance and won’t have to worry that your solution will suddenly become too expensive or limited in terms of functionality if your business takes off. Choose software that scales well with your business needs and you’ll avoid a lot of headaches down the road.

2) Expanded App Ecosystem

If you are not sure whether Salesforce is right for your company, give it a try with its free trial. The system can be used on a limited basis without any commitment, so there is no risk involved. This allows you to see if the software meets your needs. If you need help learning how to use Salesforce, check out some of its free online resources that will walk you through every step. 

There are also plenty of online communities where users share tips and tricks they have learned along their journey. Whether you are using it at home or work, using something new can be overwhelming at first but it becomes easier once you start playing around with it more often.

3) Free Trial

Sign up for a free trial of Salesforce and get to experience all of its advantages and benefits firsthand. A trial lets you try out all of these key features before you commit. The free trial is available for 30 days after which you can decide if it’s right for your business. 

This will give you ample time to see just how easy it is to use, how much value it adds, and whether or not it solves your business needs. Plus, if you decide not to proceed with a paid plan at any point during your 30-day trial period, there are no hidden fees or cancellation costs—you won’t even have access to certain features without signing up for a paid plan so there’s nothing left on the table.

4) Easy Implementation

One of the best things about using Salesforce is that it’s relatively easy to implement. Many businesses can transition from their existing system to one powered by Salesforce in a matter of weeks, not months. 

When your business is off and running on a new system, you can start reaping some pretty substantial benefits. Plus, there are plenty of resources available online that will help you speed up that process.

5) Excellent Support for Small Businesses
For a long time, CRMs were either too difficult to use or too complex. Most CRM programs made it easy for enterprises to do all kinds of tasks but didn’t provide a great experience for small businesses with fewer resources. However, that has changed in recent years, and CRMs like Salesforce have streamlined their services and offer several CRM products that are specifically designed for small businesses. 

This is an excellent benefit of using a program like Salesforce—especially if you don’t have dedicated IT resources on staff. Not only does it make your business more efficient and productive, but it can save you money as well because you won’t need to hire specialized consultants or pay large amounts of money on software.

6) No Cost Upgrades

There’s an adage that says that data is only as good as its last use. Companies often collect data on their customers and prospects, but they can’t take full advantage of it because it’s locked away in various systems and cannot be consolidated. That’s why customer relationship management (CRM) is so valuable for companies: It aggregates all of your company’s customer information into one central database to help you learn more about your target market and increase conversions. 

Salesforce has long been known as a leader in CRM. From one-on-one interactions with clients to mass emailing campaigns, all forms of communication can be streamlined through centralized information on history, preferences, and behaviors.

7) Consolidated Customer Data from Multiple Channels

The biggest benefit of the Salesforce CRM tool is its capability to consolidate customer data from multiple channels, so you can streamline your sales and support processes. Use this CRM to track information from various sources including web, phone, email, and live chat. 

With up-to-date customer info across all these channels, you can increase your revenue while improving customer satisfaction at a lower cost!

8) Deployment Flexibility

No matter what industry you’re in, there’s a good chance that Salesforce is used by your competition. The biggest names in business trust Salesforce to handle their sales and customer service; from Coca-Cola and UPS to Samsung and BMW. 

Not only does it have a massive user base, but Salesforce is also continuously evolving, adding new features to cater to individual companies as well as streamlining things so you can spend less time working on administrative tasks and more time closing deals. So if you want an edge over your competitors, why not find out how your business can benefit from using one of today’s top-rated CRMs?

9) Widely Used by Leading Companies Around the World

The list of companies that use Salesforce is both long and prestigious. Organizations like GE, Citi, Comcast, HSBC, Disney, Telefonica (O2), Siemens AG (SMS), Motorola Solutions, ADP, and hundreds more all depend on Salesforce to run their businesses. 

The fact that a single CRM can power so many different types of enterprises from so many disparate industries speaks volumes about its scalability and ease of use. If you want a CRM with a large user base, there’s no better solution than Salesforce! For these reasons and more, it’s hard to beat a tool as powerful as Salesforce!

10) It’s All In The Name!

The name Salesforce is certainly interesting, but what does it mean? Though you may have heard that it’s a combination of two separate words (Sale and Force), that’s not entirely true. The company’s co-founder, Parker Harris, first said he wanted to call his product SFA – short for Sales Force Automation. When it came time to turn his idea into reality, though, he decided that was too hard to say.


No matter how many features a CRM has, if you don’t know how to use it efficiently or if your team doesn’t know how to use it at all, then there’s no value in it. In other words, why buy a Porsche when you can’t drive a stick? 

This is where companies with lots of experience in CRM come into play—they have a track record of helping companies maximize their ROI from their software investments. If you have concerns that your team or company just can’t seem to overcome when using a CRM, maybe it’s time for a change. With solutions like Salesforce, businesses can spend less time on tedious tasks and focus more on growing their business instead.