WordPress Proposes Blocking Google’s FLoC | WordPress Blocks Floc

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WordPress Proposes Blocking Google’s FLoC | WordPress Blocks Floc

 May 06, 2021

If you make money from ads on your website (WordPress Blocks Floc?), you know that brands’ ability to track readers’ interests using third-party cookies is powerful, lucrative, and… will soon be a thing of the past.

The billion-dollar question everyone in the industry is asking is: What’s next?

Targeted campaigns are precious to Google and advertisers because they can be sold at a premium. In addition, the loss of cookies owing to privacy concerns threatens the entire model.

Also, the backlash against Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) of Google continues, with a proposal to block alternative identifiers for various controversial third-party cookies by default being presented to the core of WordPress.

The WordPress proposal calls for using the weight of the blogging system to block FLoC. (WordPress Blocks Floc)

“WordPress makes up about 41% of the web. With four lines of code, this community can fight racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination, and discrimination against people with mental illness,” it says.

For those users who would like to enable FLoC, the proposal says that they will likely be able to do so themselves, and with some code, they will also be able to turn FLoC on and off in their settings of the blog.

The proposal also states that the balance between the interests of the parties involved, the needs of site administrators who may not be aware that mitigation is needed, and the interests of users and visitors to these sites is more compelling. (WordPress Blocks Floc)

WordPress suggested treating FLoC as a security issue and rolling it back rather than waiting until the next major release in July to pass the lockdown on to current users.

It also said that at present, 5.8 is not due until July 2021; FLoC will likely be rolled out this month.

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Article courtesy of CoreSwipe

Also, a significant number of WordPress sites have only upgraded to minor versions. By backporting, we can protect and amplify the impact on more sites and the people who visit them.

FLoC has come under sharp criticism because it shares a summary of recent browser history with marketers. This can be attempted, but not guaranteed, by third-party cookies.

At its core, it’s about sharing new information with advertisers, Chromium-based browser maker Vivaldi said last week. (WordPress Blocks Floc)

If you visit a site related to a very personal topic, whether you’re using FLoC ads or not, your FLoC ID will be passed on to all other sites so that they know you visited that particular type of site.

According to Vivaldi, FLoC has a severe impact on people who live in an environment where aspects of their personality, such as sexuality, political views and religion, are persecuted.

Everything can become part of your FLoC identity, he said. It’s no longer about privacy; it’s about personal safety. It’s no longer about privacy; it’s about personal safety. According to the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, the age of third-party cookies is over. A decision needs to be made to let users decide what information is shared or to allow users to mark their behavior as “known.” A user’s recent history, condensed into a few bits, will be “democratised” and shared with dozens of anonymous actors involved in each website’s services. Users start each interaction by acknowledging. That’s what I’m doing this week. Please treat me appropriately.

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